Transform Digital Marketing with Artificial Intelligence

What’s common to The Matrix, Alexa, and Tesla cars? Artificial Intelligence (AI). In recent times, there has been a rapid increase in the number of companies experimenting with AI in digital marketing. If you run an online business and want to use artificial intelligence, this piece will guide you on how you can fit AI into your existing digital strategies.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is transforming digital services and strategies. The new-age technology has the remarkable ability to gather data, analyze, apply, and learn from all the data to deliver exceptional results. As AI progressively advances, the ability to improve digital marketing strategies and provide excellent customer insights is also being enhanced every microsecond. AI is going to become indispensable in the future digital space, and particularly in the digital marketing world.

The Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence holds great potential and opportunities in the field of digital marketing. AI can create better customer experiences, predictable analysis, and target the right market for better business and higher ROI.

Previously, marketers used to wonder if they should integrate AI into their existing digital marketing strategies. But now, with AI’s growing prominence, everyone seems to be embracing the new entrant. Many big brands have adopted AI into their marketing and succeeded at it.

For example, Netflix uses user data from the content that was watched for creating the “watch list”. Based on the data, they also create a “recommended for you” list of movies and shows. Most users pick movies and shows based on their AI-generated recommendations.


Application of AI in Digital Marketing

  • Email Marketing
  • AI helps brands to come up with personalized email marketing campaigns based on user behavior, allowing marketers to send out personalized emails triggered by certain actions. This means AI helps deliver relevant emails to user’s inboxes with subject lines, product descriptions and messages based on customer’s behavior.

  • Chatbots
  • AI Chatbots is an excellent way of going beyond the traditional ‘one-on-one’ customer services. Chatbots enable businesses to deliver a ‘one-too-many’ support to a certain number of customers at the same time across different time zones. The tech also helps customers to choose their desired language used by AI customer services based on their needs.

  • Marketing Content
  • With the help of AI, you can track down the content that is most relevant and effective. This computation is based on the behaviour of target customers, and allows marketers to generate revenue and make the most of content marketing. With the help of artificial intelligence, marketers can clearly understand the type of content that works best for their audience. AI can be used not only to create content but also curate it using customer behaviour by suggesting blogs, products, videos or other forms of content.

  • Digital Advertising
  • Digital advertising is one of the best fields that AI has successfully managed to dazzle. Big platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google are using artificial intelligence to provide the best user experience. These mediums analyse user information, including gender, age, and interests to show them relevant ads and improve the overall performance of digital advertisements.

AI is now more accessible than ever for businesses, making it one of the most valuable applications for digital marketing. It is indisputable that AI influences the choices of your audience, and provides them with the best possible customer experience and relevant recommendations. If you’re someone who is new to the digital space and looking for assistance, get in touch with our experts at Responsive Media Tech Services. We can help you build a suitable digital marketing strategy to turbo-charge your business.