Should We Target our Competitor Keywords?

Looking for ways to level up your optimization game? How about performing competitor keyword research? Wondering if it’s ethical? Well, bidding for competitor keyword research is one of the best ways to fuel your organic search optimization. If you have fitting ways to utilize your competitor keywords, you can unlock a potential competitive advantage in search results. In this blog, we will explore why and how should you target your competitor keywords.

What is Competitor Keyword Research?

When we talk about competitor keywords, we include under consideration, both the keywords that your competitor is ranking well in the search results, as well as the keywords they are targeting but not doing well. Each of these, comprise of a strong SEO strategy.

Interesting Ways to Use Competitor Keyword Research

There are various ways to boost your organic keyword research by adopting a few tricks from your competitors:

  • Look for exact keywords as your competitors and rank for them in the same search result.
  • Try looking for keywords that have not been discovered or targeted by your competitors.
  • Include long-tail keywords and discover your target market.
  • Find out why your competitor’s website rank above your specific keywords in the search results.

How to Find Competitor Keywords

You must be wondering, what are the magic tools that can conveniently generate a list of competitor keywords but in fact, competitor keyword research is not that simple. Although tools make the process a little easier, you’ll have to dig up the cave manually and prepare a comprehensive list of keywords.

Take Advantage of Competitor Keyword Research

So, at this point, you have looked at your competitor’s site, prepared your keywords, explored all your social angles and but what’s next? There are various to use competitive keyword research:

  • Use the keywords and key phrases to set a competitive benchmark and see how you stand up. This can help you analyze how you stand out from your competitors. Also, keep in check the backlink data for your organic competitors.
  • Use your competitor keywords to inspire and target new terms and phrases and develop appropriate content on those keywords. This can turn into one of the best SEO strategies to grow your business.
  • Not forgetting your own content strategy, keep in check your content and keyword portfolio. This can help you build a strong social media strategy.
  • Review the keywords of your competitors to gain insights into your audience and the type of content that can benefit your marketing campaigns.
  • Don’t just stop at one competitor, keep on finding new competitors to take your optimization to the next level. It’s important to understand everyone that is ranking against you in the search engine results.

So, coming back to the first question, Should I target my competitor keywords? Yes, you should! It’s an excellent opportunity to create more for your audience and grow your business in the right direction. We hope that this blog helped you understand the importance of targeting your competitor keywords and how smartly you can include them in your SEO strategy. If you’re a growing business looking for digital assistance, contact us at Responsive MTS. or leave your thoughts in the comments section below!